unsigned char Pkeylimit;//how many keys are alowed to be played same time (0=off), the older will be relased
unsigned char *Pname; //name of the instrument
struct{//instrument additional information
unsigned char Ptype;
unsigned char Pauthor[MAX_INFO_TEXT_SIZE+1];
unsigned char Pcomments[MAX_INFO_TEXT_SIZE+1];
} info;
REALTYPE *partoutl;//Left channel output of the part
REALTYPE *partoutr;//Right channel output of the part
REALTYPE *partfxinputl[NUM_PART_EFX+1],*partfxinputr[NUM_PART_EFX+1];//Left and right signal that pass thru part effects; partfxinput l/r [NUM_PART_EFX] is for "no effect" buffer